새 카테고리4월 한국 기업의 COP 기반 현지 공공외교 전략_유럽_독일팀

21 Apr 2023
Views 265

Hello, this is team Germany.

On April, our team investigated The Korean Corporate's COP-based Local Public Diplomacy Strategies. The strategy is divided into a project implementation plan for society as a whole and a food up-cycling project based on an eco-friendly 3R strategy, starting with targeting vegetables, focusing on each target company.

1. Vegetarian and social contributions strategies targeted by Korean company “Pulmuone/Bibigo”

- A program focused on Germany's responsibility for environmental and social diversity and human rights. It aims to promote the image and brand value of Korean companies with various social responsibilities businesses.

① Carbon neutral and renewable energy use

② Eco-friendly agriculture

③ Contributing to a multicultural society

④ Refugee-related projects

2. <The Beer Food upcycling snack project> by "CJ CheiJedang"

- This project is a local customized food upcycling business plan using beer by-products. It combines the company's idea products with 3R strategy. Developing new food products using food by-products made during the distribution process.

① Beer by-products uses

② Environmentally friendly collaboration

③ Collaboration Program practice

- It will also set up a "Global Food Upcycling + (plus)" program to provide business opportunities for Korean-German companies to connect.

Thank you for reading.

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