새 카테고리5월_선정 국가 한국 주재 대사관의 COP기반 공공외교 전략_중국팀

19기 _중국팀_사준영
22 May 2023
Views 274

Hello everyone! Team China has discussed the public diplomacy of the Chinese Embassy to Korea based on COP in relation to air pollution and an effort to improve it. We have three main parts: General background for topic selection, how public diplomacy can be unfolded, and promising effects accordingly. Through this conversation and consideration at the level of officials and the public, we are looking for a deepening relationship between South Korea and China alongside improved awareness of the environment. 

1. Reason for topic selection (Air pollution)

- Air pollution which is most closely interrelated with our daily lives puts our health in danger due to yellow and fine dust allegedly coming from China. 

- Anti-Chinese sentiment in South Korea has been worsened by the negative and reckless presumption that the Chinese have kept denying the allegation without proper action and appreciation towards neighbouring countries.

2. Public diplomatic strategies by the Chinese embassy in South Korea

1) E-mobility: The Chinese embassy can offer a basic programme for electric mobility such as bikes and vehicles for the public. Moreover, they can cooperate with Chinese businesses to give benefits like subsidies.

2) Partnership: Mutual relationship between 'Greenpeace' in Korea and China for environmental promotion and campaigns such as a tree-planting day (5th April and 12th March in each country).

3) The Chinese embassy holds academic conferences and exhibits regarding environments that are mainly targeted international students studying in Korea.

3. Promising effects

1) Economic: Replacing internal combustion-engine cars with electric bikes by about 15% reduces carbon emissions by 12%. 

2) Political: Expanding exchanges in various fields by decreasing anti-China sentiment.

3) Environmental: It absorbs carbon dioxide and relieves urban heat islands through tree planting. 

For further information, please look into the attached files below. Thank you!

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