Title: Marathon & Plogging Campaign with America’s Eco-friendly fashion brands
Hi! We’re team USA. The theme of June 2023 was ‘COP based Public Diplomacy Strategy of the U.S companies targeting Korea.’
We came up with the strategies that U.S fashion brands would use for public diplomacy based on COP to enter Korea. Especially we chose fashion brands as the environmental pollution is increasing due to the spread of fast fashion. Eco-friendly production and consumption of clothes will help reduce carbon dioxide in greater scale and achieve COP goals.
Companies participating in Marathon & Plogging Campaign:
- Allbirds: Sports brand that sells product using eco-friendly materials such as wool and sugarcane to reduce microplastics.
- Pact: Clothing brand that sells product using eco-friendly policies such as making products of organic cotton, fair trade, and eco-friendly packaging.
Programs: Marathon and Plogging campaign
- The programs will be progressed with the participants wearing the products from Allbirds and Pact such as running shoes and sports clothes.
- Youtube video that companies make and Instagram promotion by university students and influencers will help promoting this event.
- Companies will donate their earnings to the Marine Environment Protection Group, the Sea Conservation Council and Greenpeace Korea based on the total distance of the marathon and the weight of the garbage collected from plogging.
Expected effects
- Through the event, companies can promote the eco-friendly image of the brand
- By donating the earnings from the event, we can contribute to one of the UN SEGs goals, Life Below Water
- By introducing clothing made through eco-friendly manufacturing process, it will lead to better fashion of consumption
- Other clothes brands will be encouraged to follow the eco-friendly manufacturing process
- By reducing the environmental pollution in the manufacturing process, it can contribute to Migration which is one of the COP’s goals
Please refer to the card new and report for more information. Thank you.
Title: Marathon & Plogging Campaign with America’s Eco-friendly fashion brands
Hi! We’re team USA. The theme of June 2023 was ‘COP based Public Diplomacy Strategy of the U.S companies targeting Korea.’
We came up with the strategies that U.S fashion brands would use for public diplomacy based on COP to enter Korea. Especially we chose fashion brands as the environmental pollution is increasing due to the spread of fast fashion. Eco-friendly production and consumption of clothes will help reduce carbon dioxide in greater scale and achieve COP goals.
Companies participating in Marathon & Plogging Campaign:
Programs: Marathon and Plogging campaign
Expected effects
Please refer to the card new and report for more information. Thank you.