18 Oct 2020
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1. Name of the Textbook: História - Volume Único (History - Single Volume)

2. Author: Divalte Garcia Figueira

3. Publisher: Ática

4. Category: History

18 Oct 2020
Views 4

1. Name of the Textbook: História nos Dias de Hoje - 9º ano (History Nowadays 9th grade)

2. Author: Flavio de Campos, Regina, Claro and Miriam Dolhnikoff

3. Publisher: LEYA

4. Category: History

18 Oct 2020
Views 4

1. Name of the Textbook: História Geral Compacto para o Vestibular - textos, comentários e questões (General History Compact for University Entrance Exams - texts, comments and questions)

2. Author: Lizânias de Souza Lima and Antonio Pedro

3. Publisher: FTD

4. Category: History (Korean War)

18 Oct 2020
Views 12

Date: December 11th, 2019

Participants: Camila, Carolina, Daiana, Ester, Isabela, Lígia, Raphael, Sarah

Short Explanation: The last meeting was held on Wednesday at the University of Brasília. All members met after the ending ceremony of our Korean classes this year. We talked about Architecture. Korea is known for the fast modernization but also strongly preserves the tradition and it can be seen through the local architecture. In cities like Seoul, we can find both coexist because there are traditional palaces, temples, and houses, but also modern and futuristic buildings. Based on this image we have of Korean architecture, we discussed and elaborated on the next questions.

17 Oct 2020
Views 9

Date: December 6th, 2019

Participants: Camila, Carolina, Daiana, Ester, Isabela, Lígia, Raphael, Sarah

Short Explanation: This meeting was held on a Friday at the University of Brasília (UnB). We discussed Literature topic. This is an interesting topic because it contains the worries and thoughts of each generation in Korea. There's a special mark in Korean case with the creation of Hangul that changed the alphabet used to manifest the Korean ideas. While talking about this topic we become more interested in reading Korean literature. We recommended some books to each other like `The White Book' and 'Human Acts' written by Han Kang and talked about the titles and authors mentioned in the PDF file. Based on the discussion we made some questions.

17 Oct 2020
Views 11

Date: Novermber 2nd, 2019

Participants: Camila, Carolina, Daiana, Ester, Isabela, Lígia, Raphael

Short Explanation: We held this meeting on a Saturday at the Park Shopping. We decided to talk about Traditional Market Topic. We got curious about the many traditional products that can be found in these markets since they are so different from what we can find in Brazilian markets. We also got interested in the history of these markets because they exist since the old times and we heard that some of them have been revitalized to overcome challenges that appeared with Korea's transformation on market and lifestyle in the last years. These traditional markets have been tracking the attention of many tourists who look for local specialties and unique experiences. Based on this discussion, we elaborated on some questions ahead.

17 Oct 2020
Views 12

Date: September 27th, 2019

Participants: Camila, Carolina, Daiana, Ester, Isabela, Lígia, Raphael, Sarah

Short Explanation: We have chosen to discuss Korean restaurants, talking about topics such as cafes, vegetarian food, and food costs. One of our members, Isabela, went to Korea on her last vacation and she shared with us her experiences visiting restaurants, tasting foods, desserts, cafes and how much did it cost. We also discussed how different Korean food tastes compared to Brazilian food. It seems to be spicier, sweeter, and cheaper than ours. Based on this, we have prepared some questions that got us curious. It was a good meeting.

17 Oct 2020
Views 10

Date: September 20th, 2019

Participants: Ester, Isabela, Lígia, Raphael, Sarah

Short Explanation: Upon this meeting, the five of us (Ester, Sarah, Lígia, Raphael, and Isabela) decided what topic we would talk about: Dramas and Movies. We talked about the ones shown in the PDF file as well as some others that weren’t mentioned. We soon started thinking of questions related to the topic and some that aren’t 100% related to it but got us curious. It was a short meeting, since most of our schedules clash, but we were able to discuss the topic we chose and ask questions about it.

17 Oct 2020
Views 9

Date: September 18th, 2019

Participants: Camila, Lígia, Raphael

Short Explanation: Because of the clashed schedules, the first meeting consisted of only three members (Camila, Raphael, and Lígia). We discussed the Tourism topic since we are all interested in visiting Korea someday. Camila is majoring in Tourism, which was a great complement to our discussion. We find it amazing that there are so many Korean natural sites included on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. After a one-hour meeting, we elaborated on some questions related to the content of the PDF file and some others about the subject.

17 Oct 2020
Views 12

Date: November 29th, 2019 ~ December, 1st, 2019

Participants: Annie, Jadi, Maria Karolina, Victória, 김성후, 심은경, 이지수

Short Explanation: On our third trip, four of our SAYUL members and our three Korean friends traveled by car to a city near to Brasília, called Caldas Novas. During our weekend there, we explored the city, went to a famous water park called Hot Park, and had a lot of fun together playing games, swimming and watching movies.